Thursday, December 22, 2016

What's on the Table? A Look at Dog Years; Amanda Jones

Hello Fellow Readers!

I have a guilty pleasure when it comes to books, I say this as guilty pleasure because I actually don't share these books with anyone.

Coffee Table Books! Even though these books are suppose to be laid out on the coffee table so that guests my peruse (I spend most of my time reading, blogging, working and going to school. I really don't have time for guest!) I have most of mine on my bookshelf.

So I decided to share with you all my coffee table books, do I know how often I'll post these? No!
but here you go!

Once again stating that I am a huge animal lover so when I discovered this book I immediately purchased it. Jones is a photographer who came up with the brilliant idea to take pictures of puppies then years later take pictures of the same dog.

Some pages show a progression of age like that page there. Others just show the picture of the puppy then years later the same puppies all dogged up!
One of the things I like about this book is that it gives you a small introduction of the dog before the pictures, that way you can really get into the pictures and your not just staring at random dogs you know nothing about!

Take a look at the Goodreads page and if you like to buy it you can do so HERE.

What do you have on your Coffee Table?

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