Monday, August 17, 2020

Belle Vue; C.S. Alleyne

Title: Belle Vue
Author: C.S. Alleyne
Genre: Horror
Disclaimer: Sexual Assault; Dark Themes; Violence
Publication Date: August 25th, 2020
Publisher: Crystal Lake Publishing

Jealousy, betrayal, murder and a hunger for vengeance that spans the centuries...

History student Alex Palmer is thrilled when his girlfriend, Claire Ryan, buys an apartment in Belle Vue Manor, formerly a Victorian lunatic asylum.
But as Alex begins to discover the dark truth about the asylum’s past, he, Claire, and their friend Marianne find themselves on a nightmarish journey. Each will face the deadly consequences of the evil that began with the construction of the first Belle Vue Manor by an aristocratic French émigré in 1789, as well as the cruelty and satanic practices that continued when it became an asylum for the insane.
As the two strands—past and present—unfold, Alex uncovers a supernatural mystery where revenge is paramount and innocence irrelevant—without being aware of the price he, and those around him, will pay.

*A thank you to the author for allowing me to read this for a honest and unbiased review*


Hello Fellow Readers,

So I read this in the dark before bed, and well let's just say that I feel that is the only way you should read a horror book. From the prologue you quickly realize the type of horror that Belle Vue will be bringing and it sets the tone for the entire book. There is no build up in this book so there's no waiting and disappointment when you get to these scenes.

This book does take place during two different times, one is the late 1800s and shows Mary and Ellen's POV. The other takes place in the present and has Alex and Claire's POV. You don't have to worry about this as Alleyne makes it easy to know who you're reading and when. This book does have a couple of twists that I didn't see coming and really took the story to another level.

As far as the characters go, I really didn't connect to the characters. I actually found them to be a little unlikable, but it didn't spoil my enjoyment of the book. There was a confusing scene however, that two characters are pitted against each other, but neither characters were good so I didn't understand who I was supposed to support.

The ending was great and really kept me on the edge of my seat, I don't want to give away too much of the scene but it was so well written. I was pretty much right there, experiencing everything along with the character and I didn't want the book to end. Alleyne's writing is just so good, and really turns the horror and it's typical cliches on its head.

Overall, if you're a horror-aficionado this book is for you.


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