Friday, May 7, 2021

Graphic Novel Review: Feelings by Manjit Thapp

Title: Feelings (A Story in seasons)
Author: Manjit Thapp
Genre: Art; Graphic Novel
Publication Date: March 2nd, 2021
Publisher: Random House

Enter Manjit Thapp's world, where you'll find moods that change as quickly as the weather; the different shades of anxiety and hope that each new season brings; and the stages of joy and pain that fuel our growth. From the spark of possibility and jolt of creativity in High Summer, to the need for release from anxiety and pressure during Monsoon, to the desolation and numbness of Winter, Thapp implores us to consider the seasons of our own emotional journeys.

Articulating and validating the range of feelings we all experience, this is a book that allows us to feel connected and comforted by the experiences that make us human.



*A thank you to Netgalley for allowing me to read this. This is my honest and unbiased review*
Hello Fellow Readers!

This was such a unique graphic novel. Thapp really outdid herself on the artwork, there was so much detail and thought put into each frame, I had to look through multiple times so I did not miss anything. The art really set the mood for each season Thapp represented in this book, it almost felt like visual poetry. I would love to have Thapp's artwork on my walls at home as I loved it.
The story really complimented the artwork and I found myself feeling each emotion Thapp displayed in real time.I was also able to really empathize with the story as I found myself in these same situations. The only complaint I would have is that I would have loved for it to have been longer. 

Overall if you love visual books, this one is a must.



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