Monday, January 3, 2022

Bookish New Years Resolutions


It's 2022, a new year that feels hopeful compared to the last one, or maybe it's just me. Either way I'm hoping everyone is safe, healthy, and excited for the year to come. Each year I always make a resolution to read more books, but this year I want to actually have some resolutions. One that I hope are simple and that I can keep. 

  1.  Do more bookish cooking recipes
    So I want to not only do more recipes from cook books but also make the recipes that you sometimes find in the back of a book. I think it would be interesting, and I don't know about you but I always get a bit hungry when I read about a interesting food in a book.
  2. Read only the books I am interested in.
    I don’t waste my time reading a book I don’t like, and I need to realize that DNFing a book isn’t the end of the world. If I don't like a book, I typically force myself to read it just in case it gets better. 9/10 it doesn't get better. So, when I start to read a book that isn't that interesting, I will set it down, give it a week and try again. If I still don't like it I DNF it and start another book.
  3. Be more active in the bookish community and make friends
    This is mostly for Instagram, but I also want to branch out and make some book blogging friends, its just hard because honestly I don't know where to start. I used to use Bloglovin but I think it's pretty dead now (if it isn't let me know.) so if anyone has any recommendations please say something.
  4. Visit more bookstores
    This is something that I have been wanting to do, which is branch out to more bookstores (especially indie and used book stores) but this will require travel, something that is hard to do when you have an infant and limited resources, but even if it's just a different bookstore in another (closeby) city I think that's great.
  5. Shopping small business for books and #bookish merch
    I don't shop for bookish merch often but when I do I need to go small business. There are so many unique bookish items I would love, and plus I would help a small store grow and help a person out. This, of course, like the last resolution may be hard as money don't grow on trees
  6.  Start my booktube/ try making a bookish reel
    I'm nervous about this one, but it's something I really want to do. Not for clout or money (I think it would be fun but hard) purposes but I just want to talk about my book and hopefully find more like minded bookish people. If you have any advice let me know!

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