Title: Husband (Not) Wanted
Author: Rose Reynolds
Genre: Historical, Romance, Western
Publication Date: June
Abigail "Big Abby" Wendell, a lone frontierswoman in the Dakota Territory, must acquire a husband or give up the homestead she established with her late father. The men in her small town have never been kind to her, but Abby isn't easily rattled. Both practical and stubborn, she posts an advertisement in want of a husband, and she gets far more than she bargained for.
Carl Brooks is a simple, rambling man who never took to book learning. Believing a family and land of his own was not in the cards for him; he was in for quite the shock when Abigail's advertisement found him in the midst of planning his next move. The promise of a real home is too good to pass up.
After some mishaps and miscommunication, Abby ends up married to the wrong man! Or perhaps, he’s just the man she needs? When Carl makes his way to Abby; they find they have both met unexpected challenges on the long and dusty road to wedded bliss.
*I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.*
Hello Fellow Readers,
I was very intrigued by this book. First of all, I was itching for a historical romance, it being a western was just an added bonus. Second, I love that it went unconventional with the Female Main Character (Abby) being the one to place the advert. Lastly, I wasn't expecting to like both male leads in this. I thought for sure Reynolds would villianize one to make the other look better, as that is what most authors do, but I am so glad the author did not go that route.
I really liked Abby as a character and I was upset on her behalf that in order not to lose her land she had to get married, but the mix up was pretty funny. Both Karl and Carl were good male characters, but I do think that in the end she made the right choice in who she stayed, but I am ecstatic that all characters got their happy endings.
Overall, a pretty enjoyable Western Romance.
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