Thursday, January 18, 2024

Book Review: Just Do it by Maxine Morrey


Title: Just Do It!
Author: Maxine Morrey
Genre: Romance
Publication Date: January 18, 2024
Publisher: Boldwood Books

Lizzie Rose knows what she likes and likes what she knows. Her role at the London Museum is more than a job, it’s her safe place and her passion. So when Lizzie is passed over for a chance in a lifetime opportunity in favour of her ex-boyfriend and fellow Egypt nerd Friedrich Klein, her heartbreak over their relationship pales into insignificance compared to her sadness at losing the project.

Best friend Colette thinks an evening of cocktails is just the medicine for a broken heart, and meeting dashing, charming, but very much ‘not her type’ Finn Bryson at the bar puts a smile on Lizzie’s face too. But Lizzie isn’t used to spending time outside of her comfortable world of academia and doesn’t believe in mixing business with pleasure. So when Finn’s job brings him to the museum, she’s determined to put an end to any notion of romance between them.

But what if Lizzie’s comfort zone isn’t that comfortable anymore? Is it time for Lizzie to take the chance on love that fate keeps bringing her way - even if it means changing the habits of a lifetime?


*I received an advanced digital copy for free and I am leaving this honest review voluntarily*

Hello Fellow Reader,

When Elizabeth, an archeologist, gets passed up to get her own dig for her ex-boyfriend, she calls up her best friend Colette, and goes out for drinks. This is where Elizabeth decides to do something she's never done before, have a one-night stand. The next morning she sneaks out convinced she is never going to see him again, of course, she's wrong. She will now be working very closely with him. 

One thing I liked was that Morrey was not afraid to let time pass so that Elizabeth and Finn could establish an actual connection. I do wish we got a little more than snippets of Elizabeth doing her job, especially since she apparently does nothing else but work so it's a huge part of her life, yet it's not explored enough. The entire time I was reading I kept just waiting for something to happen, and when something did finally happen it felt underwhelming and just absolutely out of place especially for Finn. I did like that this is what finally caused Elizabeth to grow into herself and be more confident even if it was somewhat glossed over. Also, I wish she would have made Finn grovel more. 

Overall, a pretty standard romance. 

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